
Showing posts from October 1, 2021

And Awaaaay We Go (Part 2)

 October 1, 2021 When we last saw our intrepid traveler, she was In JFK at Gates 5A and B.  It turns out that it doesn't matter because everyone winds up in the same place!  It's a huge jet but it has less legroom than the Jet Blue one did.  I have the window seat, by choice, and find that the young man who was lined up in front of me, and is a master at mansplaining, has the seat next to me.  There is no one in the aisle seat and when I suggest that he move into it, he tells me that he prefers not to be that close to people going down the aisle.  That works for him.  Not so much for me;  but at least he's not an enormous person!  Turkish Airlines gets people settled quickly and we're off on time. The first thing they do is distribute a pretty little cloth bag to everyone.  I wrestle with the zipper for quite a while before i realize there's a microscopic piece of plastic holding it shut!  Inside there are slippers, a sleep mask, so...