Exploring Batumi
October 8, 2021 Breakfast isn't included with the hotel; but I need it anyway! Ammar found out last night that it is located on the ground floor (which here in Georgia is called the first floor) and is 25GEL or about $8, so not expensive. When I'm dressed and yoga-ed, I head downstairs. My non-breakfast eater is having his first coffee of the day! Downstairs I'm directed to the left where I find a small dining room with tables all beautifully set, but no food and no people, only the bar and bartender. I go to reception and there is quite the backing and forthing before we arrive at the conclusion that I can go and sit down and someone will come (??) Sure enough, the young man behind the bar produces a menu. It requires me to know the difference between and American breakfast, an English breakfast (so far I've got it!), a Turkish breakfast and an Israeli breakfast! And there are some other options, like I could have khatchapuri or oatmeal o...