
Showing posts from October 19, 2021

Sunrise!! Maybe it Comes with Winter?

 October 19, 2021 Oh my goodness!  I wake up to find that dawn is just breaking in all its spectacular glory! Our first real honest-to-good sunrise! Site of the great pokes! Eventually we go down to breakfast and all the staff is so friendly and welcoming!  I don't understand why the other hotel guests aren't as charmed by them as we are! After breakfast we go upstairs and Ammar says he needs to go out for a few hours.  He is preparing a surprise for me and I'll find out what it is when he gets back!  I've learned not to ask questions!!  He is full of surprises and I haven't been disappointed yet!!  I'll merrily blog and listen to Spotify.  The mind boggles at the possibilities! I'm researching a good Turkish restaurant for tonight and there seems to be a street with several on it!  And I learn that the market with the Soviet memorabilia is called the Dry Bridge Bazaar.   Eventually I get a text asking me to meet Ammar in front of t...